First Journey: A Sentimental Tale from Morocco

First Journey: A Sentimental Tale from Morocco

First Journey: A Sentimental Tale from Morocco

Discovering the Gateways to Africa

There is something fascinating about Africa, something that draws you in like a magnet. My adventure began in Morocco, a country that serves as a gateway to the mysterious and diverse continent. Morocco was a relatively inexpensive place to travel, which was essential for a young rebel on a limited budget. My name is Tomek, and the hero of my youth, Tomek Wilmowski, took his first journey to Africa. So why not start from the northern gates to this extraordinary continent?

Tangier: Chaos on the Edge of Africa

Immediately after landing in Tangier, the pervasive heat, dust, and noise of horns surrounded me from all sides. Tangier is a city full of contrasts - the noise on the streets, vendors' calls, intense haggling, and loud conversations created a cacophony that was impossible to ignore. Europeans seemed like an oasis of calm compared to the expressive Moroccans. The markets were full of fish, smells, and stray animals, and the wind-blown trash added a raw charm to the city. However, there were also beautiful post-colonial buildings and narrow medina alleys, where the gazes of dark-eyed women pierced through you.

Crossing the street felt like a scene from an action movie. Cars speed from every direction, horns blared, and pedestrians nonchalantly weaved between vehicles. Finally, I gathered my courage and, determined but slightly terrified, crossed to the other side. Adrenaline surged as I narrowly avoided colliding with a taxi, and local residents watched with amused smiles, as if they had seen it hundreds of times.

The narrow streets of the medina were a completely different world. On one side, exotic stalls, on the other, shadows where daily life unfolded. Around one corner, I saw a scene I'll never forget - butchers preparing a goat for sale. The sounds of slaughter mixed with the intense smell of fresh meat, spices, and smoke in the air​.

Rooftop Escape: Adventures with Mohamed

During one of my strolls through the medina, I was almost robbed. A group of boys tried to steal my camera, which ended in a scuffle and a rooftop chase. I ended up slipping on leaves on a balcony, landing in front of Mohamed, a sailor who fortunately spoke fluent English, Portuguese, Arabic, and Spanish. Mohamed quickly chased the boys away, and we became friends. I met his wife and two sons and was invited to dinner at their family home. Mohamed proposed showing me unknown corners of Morocco: the Rif Valley, Akchour - a hidden treasure in the Rif Mountains, and Jebel Tidirhine. I agreed, seeing Mohamed as the perfect companion for this journey, an excellent conversationalist, and a wealth of knowledge about Morocco.

Mohamed took me to the Rif Valley. Seeing the hills stretching to the horizon covered with marijuana bushes, I knew that the war on drugs, which was gaining momentum in Europe at that time, was a fight against windmills, like the one fought by Don Quixote.

Trekking in Akchour and Tidirhine was like a dream. Hiking through picturesque valleys and climbing peaks, I felt like a true explorer. It was there, on the hills of the valley, that I first tasted Harira, prepared over a campfire by Mohamed. The taste of this soup, combined with the breathtaking landscapes, was something special. We talked about life, the world, and dreams, and I felt like I was discovering not only a new country but also myself​​.

Moroccan Cuisine: A Festival of Flavors

Moroccan cuisine surprised me with its richness of flavors and aromas. Harira, a traditional soup full of tomatoes, lentils, and spices, was hearty and full of depth. Pastilla, a dish combining sweet and savory flavors, surprised with its unique combination. Zaalouk, an eggplant and tomato dish, had a smoky, deep flavor that was new to my palate. Tangia, slow-cooked meat in spices, and fried potato cakes Makouda were the perfect complement to my culinary journey.

One of the most memorable dishes was Harira. This soup is a true festival of flavors and aromas, evoking the warmth of a home fire in the heart of a Moroccan village. To prepare it, you need fresh tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, lamb or chicken, and a blend of spices: coriander, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. First, you sauté onions and garlic in olive oil until they turn golden and aromatic. Then, you add chopped tomatoes and spices, allowing the flavors to meld. You add the meat, lentils, and chickpeas, cooking everything slowly until the ingredients are tender and perfectly seasoned.

As Harira cooks, its aroma fills the air, and the bubbling on low heat creates an atmosphere of anticipation. Each spoonful of this soup is an explosion of flavors - the sweetness of tomatoes, the spiciness of spices, and the tenderness of the meat blend in perfect harmony. This dish not only satisfies but also warms the soul, evoking memories of shared moments by the campfire under the stars of the Moroccan sky​​.

Opening Eyes: Reflections on the World and Myself

Traveling to Morocco taught me that the world is not as it seems when your entire world is confined to one city, one village, or one country. You encounter opinions from people who know it only from television or copied articles, which often deviate from the truth to provoke cheap sensationalism. Stepping outside the boundaries of your daily life, you discover that the world is much more complex and fascinating than you can imagine. Morocco showed me that it is worth looking deeper and seeing reality without prejudices. I learned to see, not just look, to hear, not just listen. Thanks to this journey, I gained a new perspective on the world and myself, and the experiences I gained there will stay with me forever.